Bringing Innovation


The StarCore small modular reactor (SMR) system provides affordable and inherently safe electricity and process heat to remote locations.

The high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) design is classified as Inherently Safe by the International Atomic Energy Agency because any disruption will automatically cause the reactor to shut down, preventing damage to the reactor. Because of this automatic shutdown, no human intervention is required.

According to the IAEA, inherent safety is equivalent to absolute safety.

“The Most Robust Nuclear Fuel on Earth”

The StarCore small modular reactor uses a unique type of nuclear fuel called TRISO fuel, described by the Office of Nuclear Energy in the United States as record-breakingly robust. Each fuel particle contains multiple physical layers of protection which completely contain the radioactive material within each particle. The fuel is cooled with inert helium gas, and any loss of coolant will automatically shut down the reactor, preventing damage to the reactor.

Prismatic Block Technology

The TRISO fuel particles are housed within prismatic-shaped graphite blocks. The helium coolant gas travels through holes drilled in the graphite blocks where it is heated, and the heat is carried to the gas turbine where the electricity is generated.

The StarCore power plant will automatically generate exactly the needed electricity at all times (it will follow the electrical load of the community). The plant can quickly change its power output as required, and it is also able to provide backup power for intermittent power systems, such as wind and solar power, which can only operate when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing.

Load Following

The TRISO fuel particles are housed within prismatic-shaped graphite blocks. The helium coolant gas travels through holes drilled in the graphite blocks where it is heated, and the heat is carried to the gas turbine where the electricity is generated.

The StarCore power plant will automatically generate exactly the needed electricity at all times (it will follow the electrical load of the community). The plant can quickly change its power output as required, and it is also able to provide backup power for intermittent power systems, such as wind and solar power, which can only operate when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing.

High Temperature Gas Technology

Inert helium gas is used as a reactor coolant, in place of the water used in current nuclear power plants.

The use of helium gas prevents corrosion and allows higher temperature operation for a more efficient system. The higher temperatures enable the use of well-proven gas turbine technology to generate electricity, and the higher temperatures can also provide heat to a wide range of process industries, enhancing the local community.

Technology That's Safe

The high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) design is classified as Inherently Safe by the International Atomic Energy Agency because any type of coolant disruption will automatically cause the reactor to shut down, preventing damage to the reactor, and making any disaster avoidable.

Adding Community Value

The adoption of a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) in a remote community or mine site will bring safe, affordable, and carbon-free electricity to that location. Other benefits to the community include high-speed internet, fresh water and year-round, locally-grown produce.